18 NOV 2016
Why Seeds Should Be 10% Of Bird's Diet?
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Nutrition | Birds | Roudybush | Bird Food | Pet Care | Parrots | Budgies | Cockatiels | African Grey | Lovebirds
There is a lack of scientific study on avian nutrition, especially as it relates to different bird species, but most experts agree that a good diet for parrots begin with a formulated pellet diet with a variety of other foods added as supplements. A diet based primarily on seeds is deficient in many nutrients, including vitamin A and calcium, and is too high in fat. This is not to say that seed do not have a place in avian diets, but many birds come to prefer them to the exclusion of other healthy choices and can be fussy when it comes to trying a varied diet. Some birds will even pick out a couple of favorites from a seed mix, which further reduces the nutritional balance in the diet. When it comes to parrot nutrition, consider seeds to be somewhat like junk food: birds love them, but they are not the healthiest choice. For most species of parrot, seeds should only make up about 10 percent of the diet. Some species, like budgies and cockatiels are naturally seed eate.. [More] parrotsdiet.jpg
Tags : Bird Food South Africa , Parrot Seed South Africa , Parrot Food South Africa , Why Seeds Is Only 10% Of Bird's Diet South Africa , Corret Diet For Pet Birds South Africa Comment 0 Comments
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